Monthly Archives: September 2015

Is Christ Lord of Your Life?

Luke 6:46 “Why do you call Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?”

Billy Graham writes, in relation to this verse, one of the most challenging devotions I have read for a long time. He says…

“Jesus demands to be Master and Lord of every part of your life.

Is He Lord of your mind, of what you think, read and believe? Of what you dream about, meditate on and entertain yourself with?

Is Jesus the Master and Lord of your body? Are you presenting it to Christ as a living sacrifice? Do your eyes belong to Christ? What about your ears? Your mouth? Your hands? Your feet? Your sexual urges? Our eyes can be covetous and never satisfied. Our tongues can do unspeakable harm. Our hands can do the work of the devil. Our feet can take where we shouldn’t go. And our sexuality can get us into trouble before we know it.

Is Jesus the Master and Lord of your social life – your friendships, your relationships and your amusements?
Ask yourself these questions when making your plans: “Can I ask God’s blessing on this? Can I do this to the glory of God? Or will this be a stumbling block to me or someone else?””